Leading Women

A proper representation of female conductors and composers is not self-evident at the international top of symphony orchestras. The Concertgebouw Orchestra is eager to contribute to a better balance. Therefore, on April 5th, the Leading Women in Music Fund will be launched.
Emanuelle Haïm, image: Priska Ketterer/ LUCERNE FESTIVAL
Emanuelle Haïm, image: Priska Ketterer/ LUCERNE FESTIVAL

This spring, Joana Mallwitz, Emmanuelle Haïm, and Marin Alsop will be conducting the Concertgebouw Orchestra, and the coming months the programme features works by composers such as Ellen Reid, Sofia Gubaidulina, and Jessie Montgomery. In recent years, the number of female conductors and composers at the Concertgebouw Orchestra has been increasing each season. However, while the number of female orchestra members and soloists is in line with broad societal developments, female composers and conductors are still underrepresented. 

By taking an active role in stimulating and developing female talent among composers and conductors, the orchestra aims to contribute to a more balanced ratio with more female role models at the top.

With your support

Would you like to contribute to better ratios at the symphonic top? Please contact the Development department of the Concertgebouw Orchestra, Anne Christin Erbe (Director Foundation Concertgebouworkest) at a.c.erbe@concertgebouworkest.nl /t 020 305 10 10.

Read more about the principles and action plan here.

Leading Women in Music Fund